Answers to the Questions and Homework assignment
Q1 请问如何具体开展宣教事工?
Q2 我心中有圣灵恩膏的“火”,如何投入?是开专一培训班还是什么样式的,有体系的发展体系?现在我们学校“河北大名明星神学班”有一个神学生也有这样的负担,但我们地方教会还未有这样的看见(vision)。望老师为我们开拓宣教事工恳求代祷。为盼。
We know the Spirit works with the Word. The word of God, we come to understand through the illumination of the Spirit, who is the Spirit of understanding and wisdom (Isa 11:2).
The secret of the great works of Jesus was the presence of the Spirit in Jesus, of whom the Scripture says: 神怎样以圣灵和能力, 膏拿撒勒人耶稣, 这都是你们知道的. 他周流四方行善事, 医好凡被魔鬼压制的人. 因为神与他同在 (Act 10:38). The anointing of the Spirit is the key I guess to our pastoral ministry. And the question is then, how can we be anointed by the Spirit? It is through prayer as Luke 11:13 tells us: 你们虽然不好, 尚且知道拿好东西给儿女. 况天父, 岂不更将圣灵给求他的人吗? Which kind of prayer? It must be a prayer of persistency as Luke 18:7 teaches us: 神的选民, 昼夜呼吁他, 他纵然为他们忍了多时, 岂不终久给他们伸冤吗?
Q3 耶稣称拿但业为真以色列人是什么意思?
Jesus must have in mind the cheater Jacob (Gen 27:35-36) or凡心里没有诡诈, 耶和华不算为有罪的, 这人是有福的 (Psa 32:2). Nathanael was praised to be a true Israelite. That praise was a preparation of opening his mind to Jesus’ further words, which was intended to save him from ignorance of not recognizing Israel’s long-waited Messiah.
Q4 撒母耳记下24:1和历代志上21:1都提到“激动”,到底是耶和华激动大卫还是撒旦激动大卫?
When the Lord punish someone He employs Satan as His instrument. For instance, Then the LORD raised up against Solomon an adversary (in Hebrew ‘Satan’), Hadad the Edomite, from the royal line of Edom. (1Ki 11:14; also vv. 23, 25).
Q5 撒母耳记下21:18-22,历代志上20:4-8,歌利亚到底是大卫杀的还是大卫的哥哥杀的?
这三个人是迦特伟人的儿子, 都死在大卫和他仆人的手下 (历代志上 20:8).
Q6 押沙龙背叛大卫究竟是满了四十年还是四年?
满了四十年(有作四年的),押沙龙对王说,求你准我往希伯仑去,还我向耶和华所许的愿 (撒母耳记下 15:7). Read four years with LXX (L), Syriac, Vulgate and Josephus (Ant 7.196), instead of 40 years.
Q7 迦南为什么要受咒诅?(创世记9:24-27)
The text does not specifically mention about the grave sins Canaan has committed. But on the basis of the terms used both in Gen 9:24-27 and Lev. 18, we surmise that the sin was homosex or such sexual sin. The text says in terms of euphemism.
Q8 如何看待诗篇中的咒诅诗?
Q9 创世记2:5-7本段连续讲了四次“还没有”,那么,神造人的时候,大地是枝叶繁茂,还是一片荒芜?
Gen 2:5-7 describes the situation of the pre-fall when Adam was not there to till the ground. Remember it was only after the fall that man began to till the ground (Gen 3:23). Before the fall Adam and Eve had a plenty of fruits or food to eat, which needed no labor on the part of Adam.
Q10 创世记9:25 如何理解迦南受咒诅?
Q11 列王纪上6:1提到以色列人出埃及后480年,使徒行传13:20提到以色列的士师时代有450年,扫罗作王40年,大卫作王40年,那么所罗门作王应该在以色列出埃及后530年之后,那么450年和480年的数字冲突如何解释?
The time span of about four hundred and fifty years, which the Western text connects with the period of the judges in the following verse, refers to the time from the sojourn in Egypt to the occupation of the land (400 years in Egypt, 7:6; 40 years in the wilderness, 13:18; 10 years of conquest). God had put down the mighty nations and exalted his people by giving them their land (Luke 1:52, 54). Looking at the verbs of this first subsection (vv. 16–19) we note that all of them express God’s saving activity on behalf of Israel.
Q12 创世记第二天水为什么没有被创造直接就有,而且第二天创造没有说神看着是好的?
Because the work which God began to do on the second day, was not completed.
Q13 哥林多后书保罗被提到第三层天上,请问第三层天怎么理解?
The 3rd heaven is to be equated with the Paradise in v. 4. In the NT (as in the OT) the so called intermediate sate or the place where we go after death is not so clear.
Q14 新约的圣灵作工和旧约的圣灵作工有何不同?旧约得救的人也有圣灵作印记吗?
In the OT the Spirit came on the elite group of Israel such as Moses and 70 elders who worked along with Moses as leaders (Num. 11). But also the Spirit worked in the hearts of the lay persons for the regeneration or such.
Q15 路加福音16:1-13 耶稣用不义的管家的比喻想表达什么信息?这段经文的中心主题是什么?
The worldly-wise steward has shrewdly appraised the situation that confronts and threatens him and has moved quickly to situate himself to best advantage for the future. Would that those who know the truth of the Christian gospel could see things so sharply and as effectively align their actions to the situation that confronts them!
That means, if you are a Christian, you must prepare for the future, the eternal life in the world to come while you have chance to do it. If you have wealth especially, use them properly for the Kingdom; that’s the way you prepare the future life. Never waste your time or wealth as the next parable teaches us, the parable of the rich and Lazarus.
Q16 利未记16:10的阿撒泻勒是什么意思?
The translations of NIV and NASB are recommended in this verse:
But the goat chosen by lot as the scapegoat shall be presented alive before the LORD to be used for making atonement by sending it into the wilderness as a scapegoat (Lev 16:10 NIV); not to be translated as TNK (for Azazel) or NJB (to Azazel); in the latter versions Azazel is regarded a demon living in the wilderness. But the idea of sacrificing for a demon is alien to the Bible.
Q17 历代志下21:20中约兰登基时32岁,作王8年,而历代志下22:1中约兰儿子亚哈谢作王时42岁,怎么解释儿子的年龄比父亲大?
The MT (Hebrew text) gives Ahaziah’s age as forty-two, but the NIV has correctly followed 2 Kgs 8:26, the LXX, and the Syriac. The figure forty-two would make Ahaziah older than his father (cf. 21:5, 20).
Q18 请问老师如何看到高等批判和低等批判(考核)?
Higher Criticism handles the authorship, and date of writing of a certain book; the lower criticism deals with the textual matters only. Manuscripts of the Bible are numerous and in the course of transmission the text has had chances to be corrupt with errors. Study of textual matters is called Lower Criticism.
Q19 创世记1章:对于创造论,老师持什么观点?
Gen 1:1 is a kind of title of the creation account; v. 2 mentions of the pre-creation state of the universe; and v. 3 speaks about God’s beginning of His creation work. The Genesis text does not tell us about ‘creation out of nothing’ (creation ex nihilo). The Hebrew verb ‘barah’ (to create) is used in Gen 1 and 2 as a synonym of ‘asah’ (to make) and ‘yachar’ (to form). Yet we know God created the chaotic waters (elementary substance) as Prov 8 or Rom 4:17 etc. tell us.
Q20 请问老师如何看待ISIS?
What is ISIS? I did not understand that. (Islamic State of Iraq and al Shams, terrorists in Middle East)
Ah, the Islamic State? It’s manifesting in killing Christians or others with no compassion its Satanic nature I guess.
Q21 给大卫陈设饼的是亚比米勒(撒母耳记上21:1-6),为什么耶稣说是亚比亚他(马可福音2:25-26)?
The father, Ahimelech, and the son, Abiathar, were both present when David came to Nob, and both gave the bread to David. Soon afterward the father was killed; the son became high-priest and recorded the facts (Lenski’s suggestion).
Q22 杖一般都是拿在手中的,为什么在以赛亚书11:4中杖从口中出来?这代表什么?
It is of course strange to see a rod in a mouth, but the Bible uses it as a metaphor or imagery. A similar case is found in Rev. 19:21 where we hear 其余的被骑白马者口中出来的剑杀了.
以口中的杖击打世界。以嘴里的气杀戮恶人 (Isa 11:4)
这是正确的;还记得耶稣会通过他的剑走出了城市作战的杀死敌人 启示录19:21
其余的被骑白马者口中出来的剑杀了 (Rev 19:21)
Q23 请老师详细介绍一下“无千”(无千禧年)的末世观。无千对复活的看法是一次还是多次?
Amillenialism(无千)是一般传统,正统教会如奥古斯丁,加尔文,马丁·路德,和天主教会的立场。所以,我理解这种观点是符合圣经; millenialism的其他观点并不符合圣经。
2)罗马书1:3-4 quotes Psalm 2:7 which speaks about an enthronement ceremony of a Judean king. In the OT the descendants of David ascended on the throne only through an adoption ceremony in which God adopted a Davidic seed to give him legitimacy of ruling over Israel the people of God. Therefore, after resurrection, “Jesus was established to be the Son of God” means, that He ascended on the throne of David to be the Messianic king of the people of Israel, who was predicted to rule over the whole universe in Psalm 2:8-9 and Ps 72 etc. Jesus has become the King of Israel after ascension, and sitting at the right hand of God (cf. also Ephesians 1:20-2).
How does Jesus rule over the universe? Not by means of military forces but by the proclaiming the Gospel, by the Holy Spirit and the Word.
3)If Jesus ascended on the throne of David after the ascension, then it meant that the fallen tent (the royal house) of David has been rebuilt. That fact is clearly declared by Jacob in the first Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15:16 quoting Amos 9:11 where the prophecy of rebuilding of the fallen tent of David is found).
6)The idea of millennial reign is found only in Rev. 20:4-6. We must consider the literary genre of the Book of Revelation. It is an apocalyptic literature, which is symbolic (through visions) representation of spiritual realities. So symbolism is the key to the book of Revelation. 1,000 years means a perfect period in which God’s plan is completed.
7) Why on the earth should Jesus come and reign on the earth as a political or military leader after rebuilding the fallen Davidic kingdom? He has already accomplished the salvation of man, and delivered man from his fundamental problem of sin and Satan. Then why should he need any other work for man such as ruling on the earth?
8) A-millennialism is not saying that there is no millennial reign but it says that reign is going on now in terms of spiritual realities.
Q24 撒母耳记上28:14中那妇人召上来的是谁?是鬼,还是撒母耳?
The Samuel who was invoked by the medium and appeared, was not the real Samuel but a demon who pretended to be Samuel. God does not allow his saint to appear by a shaman’s invocation.
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