I love you, Lord
And I lift my voice
To worship You
Oh, my soul rejoice
Take joy, my King
In what You hear
Let it be a sweet
Sweet sound in Your ear
사랑해요 목소리 높여
경배해요 내 영혼 기뻐
오 나의왕 나의 목소리
주님귀에 곱게 곱게 울리길
사랑해요 목소리 높여
경배해요 내 영혼 기뻐
오 나의왕 나의 목소리
24세의 Laurie Brendemuehl가 Bill Klein을 만나 결혼을 했답니다. 첫째 아기는 딸이었어요. 빌은 Central Oregon Community College (중앙 오레곤 전문학교) 삼림과 Forest Technology 학생이었고요,
내 생애에서 어둔 시기였습니다.
우리는 여분의 돈이 없었고 근처에 친구도 없었답니다. 혹은 근처에 교회나 집도 없고 내 남편은 공부하느라 눈코 뜰 새 없었지요. 나는 운전을 못해 돌아 다니지도 못하고. 우리는 고속도변 모바일 집에 (트레일러) 살았지요. 그래서 나는 아기를 보행기에 태워 산보도 할 수가 없었어요. 우리 주변 이웃들은 모두가 은퇴하고 삶에 지친 자들밖에 없었고요. 내게 격려가 필요할 때, 먼 곳 가족이나 친구에게 장거리 전화할 돈도 없었답니다. 나는 외로웠어요. 내가 해야 했던 유일한 것은 우리 갓난 아이, 곧 걸음마 아기가 일어나기 전에 매일 아침 일어나고, 그리고 예수님과 얼마의 시간을 갖고자 노력하는 것이었어요. 나는 그것이 삶이 있는 자리라고 알았지요.
It was a dark time in my life. We had no extra money, no friends nearby, no church home and my husband was busy all of the time with his studies. I didn’t drive, so I couldn’t get away. We lived on a highway in a mobile home, so I couldn’t even put the baby in a stroller and go for a walk. Our only neighbors were people long retired and tired of life. When I needed some encouragement there was no extra money for long distance calls to family or friends. I was lonely. The only thing I was committed to was trying to get up each morning before our baby, then a toddler, and spend some time with Jesus. I knew that was where the ‘life’ was.”
저 찬양시가 내게 왔던 날, 난 일찍 일어났고 내 성경책과 내 기타를 갖고 앉아 있었습니다. 난 예수님께 찬양할 아무 것도 내 안에 갖지 못했다는 것을 알았어요. 나는 그분에게 드릴 것이 정말 아무 것도 없었어요. 그래서 난 주님께 기도했지요, "만약 당신이 내 노래를 듣고자 하신다면, 내게 당신이 듣고 싶어하시는 어떤 것을 주시겠어요?" "나는 서투르게 기타를 쳤어요. 전혀 내 의사와 상관이 없이 내 입에서 첫 단어들이 나왔습니다. 사랑해요 주님, 내 목소리 높여 당신을 경배합니다! 나는 그 착상을 종이에 갈겨 썼어요. 혹시 그것들을 기억하고 싶을 때, 그리고 다시 그 가사를 노래할 것을 대비해서. 그 말씀은 내게 참으로 중요했지요."
“The day the song came, I had gotten up early and was sitting with my Bible and my guitar. I realized that I didn’t have anything in me to sing to Jesus. I just didn’t have anything in me to offer Him. I was so empty. So, I prayed and said to the Lord, ‘If you want to hear me sing, would you give me something that you would like to hear?’”
“I started strumming on the guitar and the first words came out of my mouth with absolutely no effort. I love you Lord, and I lift my voice to worship You. I scribbled them on a piece of paper, just in case I would want to remember them, and sing them again. Those words meant a lot to me.”
난 다시 그 곡을 연주할 수 있을까? 의문이 들었어요. 기억이나 할 수 있을까? 난 그 두 행을 다시 연주하고 불렀어요. 여전히 난 마음에 기억하고 있었지요. 마지막 두 행도 첫 행이 나왔던 것처럼 자연스럽게 흘러 나왔어요. 그것은 스스로 작사된 하나님의 선물이었습니다.
“I wondered if I could play the melody again - if I would even remember. I played and sang the two lines again. They were still there, in my mind. The last two lines just followed as effortlessly as the first two had come. It was a gift from God that just wrote itself.”
"그것은 아주 간단한 노래였지만, 내게 모든 것을 그것이 변화시켰지요. 그것은 지금도 여전히 나의 삶을 변화시키고 있지요. 당신이 캄캄한 골짜기에 있을 때, 주께서 당신에게 빛을 주시면, 모든 것이 달라지지요. 당신은 계속 성장하겠지요."
“Though it is a very simple song, it changed everything for me, and it still is changing life for me. When you are in a dark valley and the Lord gives you light, it makes all the difference, and you keep growing.”
Then Laurie shared with me this heartwarming story:
“The most meaningful time that I ever heard anyone sing my song was in the fall of 2000 while my husband and I were in a Discipleship Training School. Late one night in the dormitory, I heard a baby crying. I slipped down the hall to the outside of the door just to pray for the baby, that it would be able to sleep. As I was praying outside the door, I heard the mother singing a song, but the little one kept crying. She then began to sing “I Love You Lord,” and while she was singing, the baby fell asleep. The mother had no idea that the one who wrote the song was just outside the door.”
우리가 그를 사랑함은 그가 먼저 우리를 사랑하셨기 때문입니다 (요일 4:19)
“We love Him, because he first loved us.” - I John 4:19
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