
Biblical Psychology 성경 심리학

중일사랑 2015. 2. 21. 18:51

Biblical Psychology

The Term Psychology comes from Greek terms psyche (soul) + logos (word), a discipline of dealing with soul.

We Christians live in this world so we are piling up all sorts of things unclean or garbages in our mind/ heart. That causes our thnking impure and getting stuck in the mire, no longer able to go further toward the goal God has called us to.

And also the garbage things in our mind cause, I suppose, physical diseases since our body and soul are inseparably linked together as we call psychic-soma unity, the whole person. If our minds are unclean and impure, then it is so natural that our bodies become sick.

So regular cleaning our mind is imperative if we want to lead healty life on this erath. How could you purge all the refuses in the heart? I suggest, on regular basis, we should sever ourselves from the civilization or society and take solitary position with the Risen Savior, whether it be in the mountain or wilderness. We see many characters in the Bible did that, such great leaders as Moses, Elijah, or Jesus. Be alone in the desert wilderness and think about my life and the calling from the Lord. And consider how He sees me from above. This process we may call meditation or prayer. This mental excercise can cleanse our inner man from all contamination. Be again pure and holy before the Creator, thereby be provided all the motivation and inner strength to propel my life toward the high calling!

On a regular basis! it is important to retreat on a regular basis. Daily devotion in one or two hours with God is not enough to purge us of all impurities. That's why sometimes Jesus or Moses and others withdrew sometimes from villages into mountains or wilderness (midbar or eremos).

Living daily a life of worthy to our calling is a task given to each one of us. Self-denial is required to pursue the call of our Lord Jesus. It is precisely the cleansing activity for our wholesome life. For that purpose we are to seclude from homes to be alone before God, who would touch and anoint us with the heavenly energy and visions of higher life.

Christian Ethics are to be practiced in secular society and homes. For that, we need the cleansing and power to resist temptations and to execute the will of the Lord. That power comes from our sanctity; on that condition only God anoints us with his heavenly oil.

Oh, Holy Spirit, we adore you and worship we you Father, and we love our Lord Jesus Christ!

May you anoint us with the Spirit to do you will!

10 sorts of man will not inherit the Kingdom of God according to 1 Cor 6:10:

Adulterers, drunkards, greedy, homosexuals, idolaters, male prostitutes, sexual immorals, slanderers, swindlers, and thieves. We were such but now cleansed and sanctified justified before the Judge, through the grace of Jesus Christ.


Glory, wonder, signs, miracles are ours upon asking because God works with his partners for his own glory.

His kingdom or dominion has already come upon this world with the Gospel.

Wonder working powers of God be in every churches around the world, as Christians gather together to serve Him!

Truth be forcefully declared to penetrate into the heart of billions of people through our anointed proclamations!

All the demonic forces be demolished and may the King of Kings reign powerfully in this world through our service! 

Oh Lord be exalted among your people and magnified among your children! 

In the greatness of you majesty, you throw down all that withstand you!

Just as you did on the sea, do your great works among us through our service to You!

May God be glorified in all we are doing!

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